Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A blog entry that I'll probably regret...

So, I finally decided to start using this genius of a blog that I started months ago. Today, it occurred to me that I'd like to write about something that I think about all the time - but have never actually put to paper (or document). That something is living with regrets. Often, I hear people say they have no regrets - implying that at no point in their lives do they ever wish that they had done something a little different. This is a topic of concern to me because - not only do I have regrets, but I probably add to them on a daily basis. It does make me wonder - are there actually people who don't have any regrets? Or is this just some bullshit that people say to make themselves feel better about the mistakes they've made in the past?

The most basic of examples: I regret that I didn't put 100% effort into my high school "career." From time to time, I kick myself, thinking of how I could have made my life a little easier by doing so. Now, I could spew some of that "what I've done in the past makes me the man I am today" shit. But the reality is - I fucked myself over. And despite the person I've become, provided the opportunity, I'd change that shit if I could. I'm not depressed about it. It doesn't impact the quality of my day to day happiness - but still, I wish I would have done a little better. I regret not doing so. So, if you're one of the one or two readers I may get to follow this blog, is it possible to live a life with absolutely NO regrets? I don't think so...


@me not updating my blog for a year...and then suddenly having interest in doing it again. Nice work, Brandon.

Oh yeah - that group 'LMFAO' makes horrible music. The end.