Tuesday, September 29, 2009

They Should Have Neva Gave You Niggas Money Vol. 4

They really sell that bullshit at Dodger Stadium? I bet its like 30-50 bucks, too.


[jay-z]This is Death of Jordan Brand, moment of silence...[jay-z]

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monta Ellis On Sharing Backcourt With Steph Curry: "Can't Win That Way"

So your team is due to show up today to take some pictures. Answer a few questions and get ready for the upcoming season. By the time they're done, you have a "controversy" in your backcourt. What do you do? Well, if you're Don Nelson, this is your reality. According to reports, during today's media session, Monta Ellis was asked questions concerning the effectiveness of a potential backcourt pairing him with rookie Stephen Curry. His answer - not anything Warriors fans wanted to hear. “I just can’t. I can’t. Can’t win that way.” Huh? Monta Ellis is telling Don Nelson how to win basketball games in the NBA?

You know what though? He's right. That midget ass backcourt ain't winning shit. That shot chucking, no defense playing team ain't winning shit. He's angling to get himself shipped out of Oakland along with Stephen Jackson...and I can't blame him. That franchise, while somewhat unlucky, is also terribly mismanaged. Nobody knows what they're assembling there and why they're assembling it. They have a lot of great players, but that clusterfuck at the guard position is not helping them at all. And to think - they hardballed Orlando for CJ Watson. Okay, that's a personal shot I'm taking. But really, this is a franchise that had the NBA buzzing only two years ago. Yet, here we are once again talking about turmoil in Golden State. Something has to change.

Oh yeah - this fuckery started when they signed Corey Maggette to that big ass deal to soften the blow of losing Baron Davis. That never seemed like a good idea.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Suck that blue and orange dick, mayne! Fuck Oakland. Fuck every last one of you faggots.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Method Man Confirms Rae, Ghost, Meth Album

With the recent success of Only Built 4 Cuban Linx 2, the Internet has been buzzing about another little rumored project featuring Shaolin Swordsmen Raekwon, Ghostface Killah, and Method Man. Each emcee has briefly mentioned the possibility of the album - but only now, has it been confirmed. While on the red carpet for VH1's HipHop Honors, Method Man confirmed with MTV's Shaheem Reid that the trio is indeed planning for the LP. No details or a possible release date were mentioned in the interview.

As a long time fan (Stan) of the Clan, I couldn't be happier about this news. Especially with Cuban Linx 2 turning out to be such a success. Ghost and Rae always have that top tier chemistry - Method Man has been steadily killing anything he's gotten on for the last two years. This can really turn out to be something special for the newly formed mini-Wu. And its such a unique project, seeing as how this a brand new concept coming from that camp. There was a long rumored project between Rza, Gza, and ODB called In Together Now that never materialized for obvious reasons - so I hope this album doesn't turn into another myth. Furthermore, I hope they stay in this Cuban Linx 2 zone and bang out a real street album for the fans. I know Method Man and Ghostface in particular like to flirt with the idea of big club/lady records. I think their days of selling records because of women are long over. Anyways, I don't want to bury the project before it comes out. I'm just so excited about its potential, that I want it to live up to any and every expectation.

Ghostdini The Wizard of Poetry out on Tuesday - go get that! Legally!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Orlando Brings In Johnson and Almond For Camp

This is relatively old news that I never wrote about - but I feel obligated to since my squad signed em up. Actually, that's not the only reason. I'm pretty excited about Morris Almond coming to camp. These are the type of player I like to see show up. Young guys who may benefit from the right system and coaches. Coming out of Rice, he was viewed as a guy who could put the ball in the hoop from the inside and outside, could rebound well for his size, and knew how to draw contact. The main concern was that he had problems taking care of the ball. He didn't really pan out in Utah - but you put a shooter in a shooter's system, anything can happen. Linton Johnson III is a well traveled veteran who's made 8 stops in 5 years. His best year was the 05-06 season where he poured in 5.3 points and grabbed 4.3 board for the Hornets. While he may be solid on the end of the bench, he doesn't intrigue me much as Almond because he pretty much is what he is. While there's still some mystery about what Almond can do in this league. Nevertheless, I hope they both have good camps. They're just auditioning to sit on the end of the bench - but that role can be valuable over the span of 82 games.

Seriously...I hope Almond pans out.


I don't really wanna talk about this baby. Because it ain't right. But ever since Candace Parker and Shelden Williams went public with their relationship, what has been the running joke? "I hope their baby doesn't take after him." Well goddammit, the baby took after him. Mainly, that forehead. You can actually see the line where the average forehead would have stopped...and then it lumps up into something outer-worldly. The shit ain't right.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


If you haven't watched an episode of HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm," I can't begin to explain to you how inexplicably funny it is. If you don't know, its a show from the creator of Seinfeld, Larry David. In short, Larry finds himself in the most incredibly fucked up situations where he always ends up looking like a complete asshole, no matter his intention. The seventh season just premiered on September 20th, and it exceeded any expectations I had. I won't spoil anything in case you plan to watch - but make sure you do. DVD's. In Demand. Innanetz. I've never recommended this show to anybody and had them not come back telling me that it's one of the funniest shows they've ever seen. I didn't even really like Seinfeld, and I think this shit is incredible. So yeah, whatever you, WATCH CURB!

I love the fuck out of HBO shows, by the way. Easily the greatest shit on TV.

Rampage To Hang Em Up?

So, according to a blog he posted, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson has announced his retirement from mixed martial arts. In the blog entry, Ramp goes into details on how he felt he was manipulated and deceived by Dana White - and overall, just unappreciated by his former employee. His breaking points seems to have been recent events in which Rampage feels Dana tried to sabotage and mack a mockery of his future as an actor.

I like MMA - I'm still learning a lot about it. I have to say though, even in my limited time as a fan of the sport - this isn't the first time I've heard of Dana White being a selfish prick. You hear the stories enough, you start to believe them. Needless to say, if he does remain retired, happy trails to one of the sport's best and most entertaining fighters. I especially enjoyed when he made racist (you know its true) hicks mad after KO'ing their favorite fighters (I see you, Chuck). I have a feeling this isn't the last we've seen of him, but I can understand if it is. Peace, Page!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Candy From A Piss Drinking Baby

This Monday has been a familiar one. A Monday I've lived a time or ten in my past. A Monday after a Floyd Mayweather Jr. fight weekend. You see, typically I watch this world class fighter humiliate his opponents with superior boxing skill and ring generalship on Saturday - only to be hit with a barrage of non-ring related excuses as to why Floyd isn't the best in the world on Monday. I have to say, this particular Monday has not failed to live up to my expectations. Prior to this fight, everybody said Juan Manuel Marquez wouldn't be a push-over opponent Floyd. That he'd overwhelm Floyd with his attack and toughness. That Floyd picked a tougher "comeback" opponent than he thought. It couldn't have been further from what unfolded.

So, I watch this glorified sparring session (in which Floyd lost no rounds) and see an excellent display of both offensive and defensive technique. It's obvious that Marquez was not only outweighed, but outclassed by a better fighter. But I didn't even have to wait for the Floyd haters to put a spin on it. No, Max Kellerman took care of that himself. When, as usual, he chose to use the post-fight interview to address everything but the actual fight. After a confrontation with Shane Mosley and Golden Boy promotions, a visibly annoyed Floyd (that rhymes!) told Kellerman that he runs his mouth too much and left the ring.

Like Floyd, Mondays after a fight weekend serve as my post-bout interview. Like Floyd, I'm hearing naysayers speak on everything except what happened in the ring to discredit his performance. And lastly, like Floyd, I'm telling you all to shut the fuck up because you run your mouth too much. Sit back - watch the best go to work - and enjoy it. Cocksuckas!

Mosley, you're my boy - but you know it was disrespectful.

Manny Pac, I respect what you do with them gloves. But you know Floyd was auditioning to whip your ass, right?

By the way, Paul Williams in my favorite active fighter. I just know Floyd is THAT dude. Who's fuckin with Punisher, though? He gonna put the beats on Pavlik.

Enjoy your week, peepuhs.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sketti O' The Day

Today's sketti is a little something called baked spaghetti. The directions are - you take a bunch of spaghetti ingredients, throw them in a baking dish, and bake it. This is a good dish for people with no soul. People who aren't built to stand over a stove and make some real spaghetti. Sure, the layer of baked melted cheese is quite pleasant...but its just not right. If you do this, you make lasagna. Otherwise, make some real damn spaghetti. I give this sketti 2.5/5. Its better than that spaghetti pie bullshit from last time. But its a notch under Chef Boyardee sketti for sure.


2-0! 1st Place AFC West! Best Record In NFL! Undefeated! Bow down and kiss the second week ring, beeeeetches!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Air Jordan XI Low IE White/Navy Sample

I was browsing the 'Bay and came across this sample pair of Jordan XI IE in a white and navy colorway. While these shoes aren't necessarily the most visually appealing sneakers in the storied Jordan line, they remain one of my favorites because of comfort alone. I use my black/red pair with the smokey black soles quite often to run around because they're so damn comfortable. Not one of those shoes I had to break in either - just threw em on and they felt right. Really, there isn't much to this entry. I just dig this shoe - I like this simple, clean colorway. That yellow sole would be bothersome though. I need to make a blog entry on how I think clear soles are the most overrated shoe feature in the game. Because they are. I'll do that one day. For now - enjoy those kicks. More pics here.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Make No Mistakes About It, Music NEEDS Kanye West

By now, you probably know bout the already infamous Kanye West/Taylor Swift VMA incident. If not, you're not reading this blog, so it doesn't matter. Now after a couple days of listening to fake outrage, I'm here to say what everybody else knows deep down inside. That shit was hilarious. And its become even more hilarious in light of the recent "I'm a let you finish..." memes that have been popping up all over the innanetz lately. On top of that, it's helped me realize how much more enjoyable Kanye West makes the music industry. It's an undeniable fact. To put in perspective how big a deal Kanye is - just think about what he overshadowed. A tribute to Michael Jackson in which: A) Madonna opened with a heartfelt speech and B) Janet Jackson returned to the stage to honor her brother with a song they made together. Have you even heard anything about this tribute? You don't even have to answer that for me. Instead - the news has been that Kanye West...interrupted some hoe's speech. Needless to say - we need Kanye West. Not only for the entertainment value - but for the truth. Because really, we were ALL thinking the same shit. Taylor Swift? What? Kanye just represented for us - and I appreciate the fuck out of it.

Fuck you Beyonce - for selling Kanye out. Inviting Taylor out not because you care about her feelings, but because you didn't want to be attached to it.

Fuck you Pink - for always running your mouth. I hope Kanye comments on your stupid ass fucked up life. Don't act like we don't remember you selling out, rockin some pink hair, singing R&B. Stank ass. You are fuckin annoying. And you look gross. Like your pussy stinks.

Fuck you racist people on Twitter. That shit was disgusting. Racists are such fucking cowards. They weren't really that insulted by Kanye's actions - they just look for any opening to drop the N-Bomb. Any opening. When "Soy Bomb" interrupted Bob Dylan at the Grammys, was he a nigger?

And just fuck people with their fake outrage. I don't give a shit about Taylor Swift. Not that I would condone bum rushing somebody's speech - but I don't really give a shit about her feelings. And neither do you.

Alright - I'm out. Long live Ye. Just don't make anymore 808's. We need that 'Good Ass Job.'

Sunday, September 13, 2009

FAIL Vol. 5

The Rosary makes it all okay, right?


WHAT????? Unbelievable.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The King Takes His Throne

Tonight, Michael Jordan will finally be enshrined in basketball's Hall of Fame. He'll be inducted by his childhood idol, David Thompson, along with fellow inductees David Robinson, John Stockton, Jerry Sloan, and Vivian Stringer. Say what you want about Michael - but he's hands down the best to ever do it. At least in my lifetime. And nobody reading this saw Wilt, Russell, or Big O play - so spare me. Watching a sit down interview today that Michael Wilbon conducted with Jordan, I get the impression that MJ isn't a very happy individual. He seems to be somewhat disappointed that he's being inducted into the Hall this year - mainly because it closes a door on a career that he doesn't want to let go of. And who could really blame him? When you're THAT talented and play at THAT level, how do you adjust to being an ordinary Joe? Not that Michael is anything close to ordinary, but when you're that driven, it really must be difficult. Lesson learned? I'm happy I never turned out to be shit. From now on to the end of my life - I can only do better. While pathetic hasbeens like Michael Jordan sit at home miserable because they can't compete in the L at a high level anymore. What a loser! In all seriousness, salute the King. Don't talk any of that shit. Magic wasn't better. Bird's pasty ass wasn't better. Kareem wasn't better. Shaq wasn't better. LeBron ain't better. And that piece of shit Kobe Bryant ain't better either. Michael reigns supreme until further notice.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Michael Jackson 'This Is It' Movie Poster Revealed

The poster for the movie documenting the rehearsals for what was to be Michael's comeback tour, "This Is It," was revealed earlier this week. It depicts a silhouette of the GOAT filled with images from said rehearsals. The film is due in theaters October 28th, with a special two-week presentation that starts September 27th. Information for those tickets and more can be found at ThisIsIt-Movie.com.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Broncos, B-Marsh Talking Extension

Those pajama pants are dope as fuck. Smells like a fashion trend to me.

Anyways, according to ESPN, the Broncos are now exploring the possibility of giving disgruntled wide receiver Brandon Marshall his desired contract extension. No word on if he's overly thrilled about the possibility of staying in Denver, but he's been able to suppress his attitude in recent days enough to get the brass thinking about throwing dollars his way. I'd love to joke about this, but the reality is that I need encouraging news out of Denver. Because, for all of the shit we've done this off season, we've got great players. A standout offensive line. A pair of great, play making wide receivers. A potential stud running back. Our defense needs a lot of work, but we've put veterans in a position to maybe at least change the culture of it. Ironically, depending on how this Marshall situation turns out and how the team responds to Mickey D's...we can be a quarterback away. Or maybe I've just overly optimistic because of this Marshall news. That's probably it.

Memphis Is The Answer

FUCK, that's a clever ass title. I got a jump on it before any Memphis papers could. So the news breaks this morning that after a long summer, Allen Iverson (as he revealed on his personal Twitter) has agreed to join OJ Mayo & Co. in Memphis. One has to wonder what the incentive is for both teams - as you've rarely seen a first ballot hall of famer have to wait for bottom of the barrel franchises to come calling. For Bubbachuck, I guess the incentive is the opportunity to play somewhere. For Memphis, they add a great talent and all time scorer to an already promising lineup. On top of that, maybe a little veteran guidance for young Ovinton J'Anthony. Plus you sell some extra tickets. Let us not forget, that beyond his inability to cope with his own decline, Allen Iverson is a very good basketball player. So, certainly, there's something to be offered. But you and I are steadily wondering - how long until this situation implodes? You have OJ Mayo, a pure scorer who's better at that than he is playmaking. You have Rudy Gay, who hates passing the ball. And you have world renown black hole Zach Randolph who hates passing more than Gay. This team is going to have to petition the league to play with two basketballs. Nevertheless, it should be an interesting year in Memphis. And when's the last time you've been able to say that? (not you, hick from Memphis. The rest of us.)

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Banner

I want to thank my main man Chris Morris of G2C Designs for not only doing my new logo, but also the banner for my blog. The man is crazy talented - and most importantly, an Orlando Magic fan. Recently, he's even been able to get Rashard Lewis and CJ Watson to use his backgrounds on their official Twitter pages. He's working on trying to get Dwight Howard to convert. Good luck on that! But if you have time, check out his official pages and show him some love.

Official Site


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ghostdini: Wizard of Poetry Artwork

So dope. And I ain't forget my Raekwon write-up. Just been too lazy. It is the album of the year though. By a whole lot.

WTF? Vol. 2

Between this and "Flirty Girl Fitness," America is trying to turn our daughters into whores EARLY.

White / Red Air Jordan XII Retro

Nowadays, its rare to think about a specific Air Jordan model that hasn't been retro-ed. Shit, many classics have been re-released twice. The white/red Air Jordan XII has avoided being a retro model for 13 years. This ends now. In December, the Jordan Brand will re-release one of the best looking white/red models in their catalog. This shoe, from what I see, seems to be a dead ringer for the original. The materials look solid. The craftsmanship looks good. My only complaint, if this picture is accurate, is that I don't remember the toe coming that far off the ground. Looks a bit ridiculous, right? Either way, I'm pretty pleased with the outcome and these may be something I look for during the holidays. More pictures can be seen here.

BTW - anytime I see the Jordan XII, it reminds me of the epic Frozen Moments commercial. And the fact that I bought the Taxi XII a size too big...because it was all they had and I needed them in my life. Peace.

Black / Neon LeBron VII

Over the weekend, some photos were released previewing the LeBron VII 2009 holiday releases. One of the shoes including was the previously unseen black/neon colorway. Which I completely nutted all over myself for. It's a must have colorway - and when those bad boys hit stores, I'll be there. Just call my name...Okay, I won't go there. Enjoy.

For reference sake, I don't know where these pics came from. So nobody gets credit.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Got it...

Holy shit. Reactions later.

WTF? Vol. 1

This creeps me the fuck out.

Fuck You, USPS

Fuck you, USPS. Stop putting these fucking rookie carriers on my route - giving my neighbor's mail to me and giving my mail to some other motherfucker. I'm tired of it. Especially today...when I was really looking forward to my mail. Only to check it and see that I got a bunch of somebody else's mail - and mine is probably stuffed in somebody else's box. (No intercourse-o). On top of all this, you have the absolute worst tracking system out of all the major carriers. Shit never updates properly. Sometimes, it doesn't even update at all. Waste of got damn money.



Tuesday, September 1, 2009

FAIL Vol. 4

You ever send nasty messages on a social networking site and get a little paranoid that something like this might happen? I have...

3 Completes The Trilogy

The wait is over. With the leak of the third installment in his Blueprint series, Jay-Z is all the buzz in hiphop again. As usual, Jay's album is being put under that huge microscope and the reviews are mixed. I must say though, I think this album is really another solid piece to his overall catalog. The first thing I really notice about this effort is that it sounds like no other Jay-Z album. The Blueprint 3, if anything, is a glaring example of why Jay is still relevant in hiphop. He's adapted to change better than any artist who's ever picked up a mic. This album is Jay-Z making 2009 hiphop, putting his own spin on it, and delivering it to his faithful. My absolute favorite song on the album is "A Star Is Born" featuring new Roc Nation artist, J.Cole. On this track, Jay spits somewhat of a tribute to his peers, past and present. And like the title suggests, helps birth a brand new hiphop star. J.Cole does an incredible job of taking advantage of the opportunity handed to him - honestly looking like the best "new artist" on the album. Other songs like "Empire State of Mind" featuring Alicia Keys, "Already Home" featuring Kid Cudi, "Death of Autotune," and "So Ambitious" featuring Pharell Williams really stand out in my opinion. I'd say, at most, there are two duds on the album. And they're both produced by Timbaland - who even admitted in an interview that he didn't bring his "A" game for Jay. Which is evident in the incredibly underwhelming Jay and Drake collabo. But overall, I think this is a very solid album. Not one of the best albums in his catalog, but not near the bottom either. This isn't a full album review, but more so just a few immediate thoughts I have about it. I'd say it approaches a 4/5 rating. Not bad for the old man. Go cop that on 9/11!