If you haven't watched an episode of HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm," I can't begin to explain to you how inexplicably funny it is. If you don't know, its a show from the creator of Seinfeld, Larry David. In short, Larry finds himself in the most incredibly fucked up situations where he always ends up looking like a complete asshole, no matter his intention. The seventh season just premiered on September 20th, and it exceeded any expectations I had. I won't spoil anything in case you plan to watch - but make sure you do. DVD's. In Demand. Innanetz. I've never recommended this show to anybody and had them not come back telling me that it's one of the funniest shows they've ever seen. I didn't even really like Seinfeld, and I think this shit is incredible. So yeah, whatever you, WATCH CURB!
I love the fuck out of HBO shows, by the way. Easily the greatest shit on TV.
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