By now, you probably know bout the already infamous Kanye West/Taylor Swift VMA incident. If not, you're not reading this blog, so it doesn't matter. Now after a couple days of listening to fake outrage, I'm here to say what everybody else knows deep down inside. That shit was hilarious. And its become even more hilarious in light of the recent "I'm a let you finish..." memes that have been popping up all over the innanetz lately. On top of that, it's helped me realize how much more enjoyable Kanye West makes the music industry. It's an undeniable fact. To put in perspective how big a deal Kanye is - just think about what he overshadowed. A tribute to Michael Jackson in which: A) Madonna opened with a heartfelt speech and B) Janet Jackson returned to the stage to honor her brother with a song they made together. Have you even heard anything about this tribute? You don't even have to answer that for me. Instead - the news has been that Kanye West...interrupted some hoe's speech. Needless to say - we need Kanye West. Not only for the entertainment value - but for the truth. Because really, we were ALL thinking the same shit. Taylor Swift? What? Kanye just represented for us - and I appreciate the fuck out of it.
Fuck you Beyonce - for selling Kanye out. Inviting Taylor out not because you care about her feelings, but because you didn't want to be attached to it.
Fuck you Pink - for always running your mouth. I hope Kanye comments on your stupid ass fucked up life. Don't act like we don't remember you selling out, rockin some pink hair, singing R&B. Stank ass. You are fuckin annoying. And you look gross. Like your pussy stinks.
Fuck you racist people on Twitter. That shit was disgusting. Racists are such fucking cowards. They weren't really that insulted by Kanye's actions - they just look for any opening to drop the N-Bomb. Any opening. When "Soy Bomb" interrupted Bob Dylan at the Grammys, was he a nigger?
And just fuck people with their fake outrage. I don't give a shit about Taylor Swift. Not that I would condone bum rushing somebody's speech - but I don't really give a shit about her feelings. And neither do you.
Alright - I'm out. Long live Ye. Just don't make anymore 808's. We need that 'Good Ass Job.'
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