For all that's been said about President Obama in regards to what he's not doing, I do feel like he's tried to address the issues that he campaigned on. Today, the U.S. Senate passed a health care reform bill via 60-39 vote to give the President a victory on perhaps his biggest domestic priority. The bill is expected to supply health care to an addition 30 million Americans. Commenting on the passing of the new bill, President Obama said, "If passed, this will be the most important piece of social legislation since the Social Security Act passed in the 1930s."
I can't say I'm familiar with every last detail of this bill. Apparently, nobody can say they are. I am, however, happy to see it passed. I believe the main concern is to get the bill passed first. Especially one that has been as difficult to pass as this one. Then, you like to think that additional changes can be made in the future. Similar to how voting rights were specifically addressed after the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Hopefully this is a sign of more great things to happen for our country. I know everybody isn't a fan of the President, but, we should all be fans of progress and taking care of each other. And I don't mean that literally, you socialism fearing schmucks.