Its been a long time since I've written in my blog. I chime in every now and then with a funny video or some new music, but not much else. It isn't that I've lost interest. There just hasn't been much worth speaking about lately. Which, isn't necessarily a bad thing. Life is good - and I'm living it.
Spaghetti is still delicious. I make that shit at least once a week - and its incredible.
Sports is going okay. Orlando just smacked the Lakers yesterday, which I'm thrilled about.
Tonight is the return of the Monday Night Wars. If you don't know what that is, get familar. Google that. I'm amped.
HBO's 'Big Love' finished the night with a crazy finale. Anybody who knows me knows I love my HBO.
See what I'm saying? I literally don't have anything to speak on. Things are great though. I've recently taken a bit more control of my life. My health, my finances, my future. I feel like there are good things in store for 2010 and I'm going after them.
Love and Rockets,
(yeah, I watch. Fuck you.)