Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jumpoff Joey Got Socked

So late Saturday night, I'm browsing some forums and they're all abuzz because Joe Budden was reportedly punched in the eye by a member of Wu-Tang Clan member Raekwon's entourage while blogging backstage at Rock The Bells. According to Budden, Raekwon strolled in 6 deep and forced an apology out of the New Jersey emcee that was to be recorded for his IceWaterTV internet channel. One way or another, things escalated, and Joe Budden was punched in the eye by one of Raekwon's goonies. Joe Budden, being the usual embarrassing Joe Budden, then vlogged about the situation. Complete with ice over his eye and an IceWaterInc. bandanna that was dropped by one of Rae's guys. Furthermore, its being said that the two crews (IceWater/Wu and Slaughterhouse) confronted each other during the concert that was being held later that night - to the point where cops had to separate the crews and escort Raekwon and Rza to their bus in attempt to allow Slaughterhouse to make their scheduled performance.

Now, until the footage is released by either camp, the details remain sketchy at best. We do know Raekwon and company ambushed Joey's little blog session. We know Joey got punched in the eye. Other than that - everything is pure speculation. I do know this though: Wu-Tang is a different group of individuals. They're not the type to stand in a cipher and trade punchlines. They're not the type to get all cute and exchange blog video disses back and forth. They're known to handle their problems in the streets. If you throw dirt on their name - you better be ready to be confronted. I'm not saying their ways are right - and I surely hope this doesn't escalate to the point where somebody is shot - but when guys like Joe Budden who tend to run their mouth too much get out of line, you best believe situations like tonight will occur.

Fuck Joe Budden though. He's a corny motherfucker. I don't care if it was a sucker punch.

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