An autopsy report surfaced late Friday declaring cocaine (THAT RAW!) as a contributing factor to the death of TV pitchman Billy Mays. According to the report - the cocaine took part in the development of the heart disease that killed him. Initially, you're thinking "no, not Billy!" Then you reflect on his ads and infomercials - and it hits you. We should have seen this coming! Nobody can be that hyper or excited over a fuckin broom. Or some gardening gloves. Or a towel. This shit was obvious as hell - and we ignored it. Nevertheless, I don't think the worst of Billy Mays. He owed nothing to me but top notch pitching and that's what he did, dammit. If the man needed to snort a little bit of coke (THAT RAW!) to get to that point, who am I to judge him? RIP William Darrell Mays. TV hasn't been the same without you. I've been sleeping in more often. Because your infomercials aren't on to wake me up in the middle of the damn night anymore. *salute*
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