Monday, August 10, 2009

Sketti O' The Day

Now, I can admit that its not the best picture. But what I'm showing is fuckin delicious. I've only been able to have this while I lived in Germany - and I was almost killed for it once. Its called Spaghetti Eis or Spaghetti Ice Cream. Essentially - its ice cream that you run through one of those spaghetti cutting fuckin things, top it with a bunch of fudge or strawberry sauce and other toppings, and devour like a plate of spaghetti. When I was a kid in Nazi land, I used to covet the days when my parents would give me enough marks to get spaghetti ice cream from the truck. One day I wanted it so bad, I stole money from my dad's pocket. Then I thought it would be wise to still ask him if I could have money for the ice cream truck. Needless to say, that didn't turn out well and I got the ass whipping of my life. Literally some life changing shit. That was the day I became a pretty decent kid. But getting off that tangent - this shit is delicious. And I don't know why I loved it so much. It's the same thing you'd eat otherwise, just cut up like spaghetti. Gotta love being a kid. This sketti gets a 5/5. Perfect. Peace!

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