It's that time of the year again. The NBA kicked off its 63rd year last night; in theory at least. For myself, the season officially tipped off tonight in sunny Orlando, Florida. I have to say, the start of a new NBA season takes on a completely different tone when you lose in the Finals. I feel angry - like I want to completely skip these 82 games, 3 rounds of the playoffs, and see those punk ass Lakers in the Finals again. Partially because I hate them, and also because I feel like we're a better basketball team than we showed. I still find it amusing that people feel as if we weren't competitive at all, when a Courtney Lee converted layup and a Dwight Howard free throw could have made it a 3-1 series lead for Orlando. No excuses though, as converting in crunch time is all part of the game.
Moving forward, we started tonight with a very impressive looking win against our opening round playoff opponent from last year, the Philadelphia 76ers. It was a balanced attack lead by Dwight Howard, but complimented by inspiring play from Jason Williams and Ryan Anderson. Notice those two names. And then believe me when I tell you we're incredibly deep. All those weird ass myths about Hedo Turkoglu being our "heart and soul" are far fetched at best - and we will be back in June. And I don't give a fuck what you think. Cleveland got mollywopped by the Raptors tonight. This is the team you want to see take on LA so you can get your corny ass LeBron vs. Kobe dream match? We were better than them last year. And we still are. Deal with it.
Go Magic.
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