What do you do? You sit here, you watch 160+ baseball games for absolutely nothing. Rocktober 2007 was fun. Unexpected joy ride. This one hurts - because this team is good. They were good enough to win tonight. They were good enough to win this series. And now, nothing. All that work, all that clutch batting, all that overachieving Rockies pitching for nothing. You know why it hurts more for fans like me? Because unlike a Yankees fan, a Dodgers fan, a Red Sox fan - my team isn't going to buy their way into the playoffs again next season. We actually have to grind this out with heart and hard play. No offense to those other fanbases - but there's a reason that anytime a big free agent hits the market, he's penciled in for about 5-6 teams max. I don't know when we'll get another shot. There are no guarantees. It's been fun watching winning baseball in Colorado for a chance, but now I'm greedy. Now I want that trophy.
Happy Trails, Rox. It was quite a ride.
Jim Tracy for Manager Of The Year.
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